Software Installation

MBDyn is distributed as source code. You can download/clone it from the project’s git repository, The favourite installation method is by compiling it yourself. You can compile MBDyn

MBDyn compilation and installation is based on GNU’s autotools. You need:

Linux users:

Note: in command examples below, a $ prefix means you can run the command as a regular user; a # prefix means you need to run the command as the superuser (i.e. as the user “root” or using the command “sudo” in front of the actual command). You need special permissions to do that.

Note: the software will be installed in /usr/local/mbdyn/*, with the executable(s) ending up in /usr/local/mbdyn/bin/, which likely isn’t in you PATH; to install elsewhere, configure with --prefix=/path; e.g. --prefix=/usr/local. Actually, you don’t need to install the software; the main executable, “mbdyn”, will be in subfolder mbdyn/ of the build tree. You can safely copy it wherever you want (e.g., somewhere in your path).

Note: if you plan to do some serious development, e.g. if you download the source code from the git repository, you can build it outside the source tree (recommended); in that case

From this point on, build and install continues as above. You can have multiple build trees pointing to the same source tree, for example if you need to build with different configure options.

Windows 10 users

The recommended approach is to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). You can find instructions in Windows 10 official documentation; for example, see here: After your Windows Subsystem for Linux is installed, follow the initial instructions here (for Ubuntu; for other distros, package names may vary), but only up to the required packages: To download the right version of MBDyn, please refer to the above reported instructions for Linux.

Other (and all) Windows users (beware: mostly obsolete!) MBDyn has been successfully built using

Those systems are relatively outdated. The user is referred to the specific instructions to set-up the system and the build environment. At that point, building MBDyn follows the same rules as for Linux. As an alternative, one can find unofficial (i.e. unsupported!) binaries compiled with MSYS/MinGW here: (YMMV! Replace 1.7.3 with the desired version; beware: binaries are not available for all versions).